Welcome to Learning, Loving and Growing at Home. I'm Karie, owner of this group, and I would love to have you join us. My girls and I would love to meet you and have many new adventures. So please come check us out. Contact info is
We're situated in the Waukesha County area(Waukesha, New Berlin, Brookfield, Muskego and Sussex area. Moms from the Milw county are welcome as well. Each Mon a group of us moms have been coming together with our kids, to the Waukesha library. The older kids helping the younger ones find books while the moms chat. This happens between 11-12:30 upstairs.
Once a month we are meeting at the Brookfield library for either a game day or a guest speaker. Generally it's the 3rd Fri of the month. For more details, please contact me.
I also have a geography group that meets once a month at my home on a Fri. We study a country each month and each family has a topic to research. For more details, contact me.
We're also doing Park Days Tues and Thurs from June until end of Aug. Please feel free to ask me about them.
If you wish to join my group, I will need you to fill out the phone form on the contact page, with an emergency number I can reach you at, at all times. For ex.. if we're going on a field trip, and a change of plans happens, I need to be able to contact you asap. Also, in the comment section, please send me info on the ages of your kids and if they are girls or boys or both. I won't ask for names. Thanks so much!